Alcoholism prescriptions are rocketing upwards

30 May 2013
Diane Abbott MP, Labour’s shadow public health minister, calls for minimum unit pricing as shock new figures show alcoholism prescriptions rocketing upwards.

The amount of drugs handed out in England to help alcoholics achieve abstinence or to help prevent them from relapsing has increased to 178,247 in 2012, the Health and Social Care Information

Diane Abbott MP said:

‘These figures have got to be a wake-up call for the government. This is further evidence of the need for minimum unit pricing. The strain that David Cameron’s dithering and inaction on alcohol harm policy is placing on our NHS is increasingly unbearable.

‘Doctors and medical opinion know that action on price is a key part of any serious alcohol strategy. And yet action to tackle these kinds of problems have been derailed by the government’s u-turns, confusion and the bitter infighting we’re seeing.

‘Labour is clear that we need a comprehensive alcohol strategy. It should address: licensing reforms; marketing; advertising; education; public awareness and a minimum unit price.’


For more info, please contact Gabe Trodd on 0207 219 4426

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