Diane Abbott condemns loss of Centerprise
05 Nov 2012
Diane Abbott, MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington has reacted with dismay after the closure of Centerprise looked set to be confirmed today after Hackney Council seized the property. Centerprise is a long established shop on the Kingsland High
Road and has served the black community particularly well as a centre for black
literature. Hackney Council have closed the establishment after a settlement on
business rates could not be reached.
Ms Abbott said:
“This is a sad day for the people of Hackney. Centerprise, is an institution and, in my view, completely irreplaceable. Years of history lie in that shop. It has been a focal point for black literature in this
country and has helped many Hackney locals with their literacy.
“I know that the Labour Party in Hackney were very anxious that the Council continue negotiating with Centerprise. Ordinary people in Hackney know of Centerprise's rich history as a community centre and a cultural hub. I am disappointed that it had to come to this. Hackney is a vibrant place because of centres such as Centreprise. there are other considerations beside merely how much we can charge per sq foot. Centerprise will be a huge loss."
For more information call Toby Bakare 0207 219 4426
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