Diane Abbott gives guarded welcome to food labelling

24 Oct 2012
Diane Abbott MP is glad to see further progress on a consistent food labelling system. But she repeated her support for the traffic light system and insisted that the Government needed to legislate urgently. 

She said:

“A pure traffic light system has been resisted by some parts of industry although some retailers like Sainsbury’s have taken it up voluntarily. However I continue to believe the food labelling system is the easiest for ordinary consumers to understand and is most likely to help families make the right decisions about their eating.

“I wait to see the detail of the system Government agrees with industry and I will wait to be assured they have not made too many concessions to industry at the expense of the nation’s health. Ultimately, I do not believe a voluntary system can be made to work. The Government needs to bring forward legislation if they are serious about tackling Britain’s obesity crisis.”


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