Increasingly, Andrew Lansley is like the captain of the Titanic
04 Oct 2011
Diane Abbott MP, the Shadow Health Minister, responds to Andrew Lansley’s conference speech: ‘Increasingly, Andrew Lansley is like the captain of the Titanic, steering the country towards a ruined health service, out-of-control waiting times and a long-term public health crisis, with his blind faith in the government’s reorganisation and also big business.
‘On a day when over 400 hundred public health professionals have condemned the governemnt’s reorganisation, it is gross hypocrisy for Lansley to stand on a Conservative party platform and profess his admiration for nurses and health professionals.
‘Andrew Lansley had nothing to say about the rise in waiting times, nothing to say about the health groups, experts and patient groups who have just said clearly that the government’s reorganisation must be rejected as it represents a risk to patient care and safety, and nothing to say to those patients across the country who want their doctors to be doctors, not accountants.
‘It was extraordinary to hear Lansley to boast about the discredited “responsibility deals”. The British Medical Association and other health organisations have already withdrawn from the ‘responsibility deal’ on alcohol. They know that these arrangements are driven by the food and retailing multinationals, and will not achieve any real improvements in the health of the nation.'
For more information, please contact Gabe Trodd:
0207 219 4426
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