Diane renews assault on secret evidence at Amnesty International event

04 Feb 2011
Labour MP Diane Abbott attended an Amnesty International event in Shoreditch last week to speak out against the use of secret evidence and other controversial legal instruments used by UK law enforcement authorities.

The event held at the Human Rights Action Centre, focused on current developments involving an individual implicated in the 2003 ricin plot who was later found not guilty in court. This individual was then detained in a British prison for two years and is currently under strict house arrest, based on secret evidence that neither he nor his lawyer are permitted to see.

Amnesty International UK brought together a selection of renowned public figures such as Channel 4 Newsreader Jon Snow as well as Diane, to explore the issues surrounding the trial. Diane was particularly vocal about the highly controversial use of secret evidence, which is seen by many as an infringement on human rights. 

Diane had this to say after the event:

“I am delighted to have been able to come and speak up about the use of secret evidence and I would like to thank Amnesty International for inviting me today. The use of secret evidence and control orders are completely at odds with international human rights laws and neither even makes reference to a fair trial for a suspect. 

“There is now an even greater fear amongst various human rights organisations that these powers will increase and I think the Liberal Democrat climb-down on scrapping control orders is indicative of this. That is why it is of the utmost importance that events such as this take place, as there is a necessity for people like me to speak up for individuals found guilty of no crime yet reprimanded without any knowledge of the evidence held against them”.

For more information please call Yao Adu on
020 7219 4426

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