Diane fights for Libraries

31 Jan 2011

Diane Abbott MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington spoke up for libraries in Parliament last week.

Government cuts will see a wave of libraries closing up and down the country in the coming months, but Diane argued they still remain a vital resource for people and their communities.  

During last weeks debate MPs heard that 400 libraries across the country had already closed or were at threat of closing as a result of Government spending cuts, and this figure was set to double or even triple. Diane used this debate as an opportunity to emphasise how essential libraries are to younger generations and the importance of learning for younger minds.

After the debate Diane said:

“I love libraries. My mother took me to join the library when I was barely five years old and they have been very special places to me ever since. In communities like Hackney libraries play a very special role. They provide a window onto the world of books and learning for young people whose families, like mine, may have no books at home. The libraries in Hackney are incredibly vital to the surrounding community, and campaigns such as one run for the CLR James library last year are indicative of how deeply entrenched libraries are in our local history. 

“However in the face of Government cuts to public services and with the onus left on Local Councils to make these cuts, they will be left with absolutely no choice but to axe libraries in favour of essential services such as care for the elderly. These plans cannot be allowed to go forward uncontested”.

For more information please call Yao Adu on
020 7219 4426

Notes to Editors
To read the full text of the debate please click this link

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