David's 'dodgy prescription' gets a dressing down from Diane
17 Jan 2011
In an article for the Guardian today, Diane Abbott MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington launched and Shadow Public Health Minister gave a candid account of various failings in the Government’s new reforms for the NHS.
Diane was frank in explaining the dangers inherent in the reforms and the concerns held by health professionals and the 1.3 million NHS staff across the country. Diane criticised the speed and scale at which the reforms will be taking place branding it a ‘car crash of a policy’. Reference was also made to the discrepancies in Government costings for the changes (put at £1.7bn) and projections from health economists (at almost £3bn).
Diane also highlighted the growing list of broken promises made by the Prime Minister by criticising the top-down nature of the reforms, despite pre-election assurances from Cameron to NHS staff that no such thing would occur under his watch.
The article goes on to say:
“Towards the end of his press conference Cameron was reminded that patient satisfaction with the NHS was at record levels. He was then asked "What he would do if patient satisfaction levels dropped?" Answer came there none. This is because these changes are not about "doing right" by patients or staff. They are designed to meet the political objectives of a Tory-led government. And all Cameron's warm words will not disguise this.”
To read the full article please click here: NHS Changes: David Cameron's Dodgy Prescription
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