Diane welcomes end to child detention ahead of Christmas

16 Dec 2010

Diane has welcomed today’s decision to end the detention of children at immigration centres but has called for a review of detention altogether in light of the tragedy at Christmas Island earlier this week.

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg announced earlier that family wings at detention centres will be closed from today, and no child will spend Christmas detained.

Diane, who has visited Oakington and Yarl's Wood and has held two debates in the House about children in detention, spoke last month about her dismay at the Coalition’s decision to delay the closure of family wings until March 2011.

Diane said:

“I wholeheartedly welcome the Coalition’s decision to end the detention of children from today instead of putting off the decision until March next year.

This is something I have long called for in the House and it is a great comfort to me to know that no children will spend Christmas in a detention centre.

But we must not forget the thousands of people who will still remain in detention and will spend their Christmas separated from their families.

I believe we must look again at Britain’s role in detaining people and whether we can continue to support a practise that causes such distress and holds people in limbo over their immigration cases for far too long.

The tragedy in Christmas Island earlier this week should serve as a reminder to us all of the desperation of immigrants striving for a better life, and how important it is that they are treated respect and human dignity.”

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