Diane challenges Cameron to come clean over NHS spending
Diane says the Prime Minister must come clean over how he intends to keep his promise that the NHS will see increased spending year on year, when all the evidence points to the contrary.
David Cameron told MPs in today’s Prime Minister’s Questions that NHS funding would increase year on year, despite contradicting findings released by a Conservative-led health select committee on Monday which concluded that a real-terms increase in health funding throughout the spending review period would not be met.
Diane says the assurance by the Prime Minister is ill founded and misleading, and believes there is no way that NHS spending will be able to increase when huge reforms to the health service will cost double what the Coalition has estimated, a huge £3billion instead of £1.7billion.
Diane said following today’s PMQs:
“The Coalition has a commitment to NHS staff to come clean over how exactly it intends to meet its commitment to increase NHS funding in real terms year on year, especially in light of all the evidence we have seen this week to the contrary.
They can’t just expect doctors and nurses up and down the country to take their word for it and trust that they will see an increase in funding.
NHS workers are already experiencing the reality of cuts on the frontline and will not put up with being fed empty promises by a government who would rather stick their heads in the sand than admit they cannot meet this commitment.
The reality is that the Coalition has no idea how it will increase NHS spending and it is only a matter of time before we see the plans unravel.”
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