Diane backs Hackney students in allowance cuts demo

13 Dec 2010

Diane today supported students at BSix college who held a demonstration to oppose the Coalition’s decision to scrap Educational Maintenance Allowance (EMA)

Students from the college in Kenninghall Road, Upper Clapton marched to Hackney Town Hall as part of national day of action, Save EMA Day.

As many as 3,647 students in Hackney and 95,219 in London as a whole will lose out on £10 to £30 a week , paid to help and encourage those from lower income families continue in their studies from next summer.

Diane, who also voted against the rise in tuition fees last Thursday, believes the decision will deter many young people from staying on in higher education and may increase the number of NEETS (young people not in employment, education or training) as more are pushed into an already saturated job market.

Diane said today:

“I wholeheartedly support the students at BSix in marking Save EMA Day today (Monday)

Now more than ever it is important that students stand together. With the scrapping of the EMA and the rise in tuition fees, the Coalition government is making unprecedented threats to our higher education system that are going to have huge effects here in Hackney.

Thousands of youngsters receive EMA in Hackney, and for many it makes all the difference in the difficult choice whether to stay on into higher education or head out to work. Taking away this choice will force many into an already saturated job market .

The Coalition’s decisions are incredibly short-sighted and unfortunately will mean young people in Hackney have to take on further burdens and debts just to gain the education that I and many other politicians, were able to enjoy for free.

I will continue to oppose these threats and support students in Hackney and up and down the country."

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