Diane continues campaign against proliferation of betting shops

25 Nov 2010

DianeAbbott MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington and Shadow Minister for Publictook part in a Westminster debate last night about the abundance of bettingshops in London.

Dianewho has long campaigned against the problem in Hackney will also appear on BBCOne programme Inside Out next week discussing how the problem has grown inHackney because councils have limited power to turn downapplications.

Dianewas present at the debate in Westminster Hall called by David Lammy, whoseTottenham constituency suffers similar problems.

Arecent count showed that Hackney has69 betting shops, three times the national average, andas many as nine on Mare Street, including one in the Old Town Hall.

Dianehas called for legislation to be changed to allow local councils to overturnapplications. Currently, councils have little power to do so, especiallyin buildings once occupied by banks and estate agents which do not needplanning permission.


“Thisis a campaign that I have run for some time now and I am pleased that it hasattracted support wider afield.

Bettingshops are a huge problem in areas with high levels of unemployment and poverty, like Hackney, and can provide atemptation to make money quick. They also attract crime and anti-socialbehaviour to surrounding areas without offering any benefit in return.

I hope that this show will highlight the problemaround the country and encourage more people to oppose betting shops in theirareas and help push for a change in the law.”


Formore information please call Sally Scott on

0207219 4426


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InsideOut will be broadcast on BBC One at 7.30pm on Monday December 6.

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