Diane helps gay youngsters take a stand against homophobic bullying

01 Nov 2010

Diane has taken part in a new campaign aimed at reassuring gay school pupils that they don’t have to put up with homophobic bullying.

Diane filmed a video message for the ‘It Gets Better Now’ campaign, started by gay rights group Stonewall, who hope to reassure young people that they don’t have to wait for things to get better in their lives.
They want to encourage young people to tackle their issues head on with their help, rather than bottle problems up.

The films build on a US campaign featuring people from school teachers to Barack and Michelle Obama telling lesbian, gay and bisexual young people that things will eventually get better.

Watch Diane’s clip  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLzUidEyj18 or visit Stonewall's official site  www.stonewall.org.uk/itgetsbettertoday

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