Diane calls for continued aid following cholera outbreak in Haiti

25 Oct 2010

Diane has called for continued aid to be sent to Haiti following fears that an outbreak of cholera will spark a second humanitarian crisis.

More than 250 people have died and thousands are thought to be suffering symptoms of the disease, ten months after the island was hit by a scale 7 earthquake.

The UN has said that “multinational medical response” has slowed the spread of disease but Haiti could still face a serious epidemic.

Diane was the first MP to call for a statement to be made by the government following the earthquake in Haiti on January 12.

Diane said:

“Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when we didn’t see disease follow the earthquake back in January, but now this is our worst fears realised. 

Haitians have been living in these temporary camps for far too long and now we could now have a second large scale humanitarian crisis emerging.

It is essential that aid to Haiti does not stop and that we continue to give them our support in this time of need.”

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