Diane holds Lib Cons to account over budget which hits women and families hardest

07 Sep 2010

Diane held the Lib Con government to account last night over their cuts program which will see women pay three times as much as men to fill the deficit.

Diane held an end of day debate on the effect of the public expenditure cuts on women, in which she laid out evidence as to how women will shoulder the biggest burden, because of the cuts to benefits directed solely at women.

She also exposed how the budget was based on an ‘old fashioned’ and ‘out of touch’ family model where the husband goes out to work and the wife stays at home.

Diane said:

" The Budget, together with the likely changes to the welfare system, seems to me to be more supportive of an outdated male breadwinner and dependent female carer model than the dual earner, dual carer model, which is more representative of society whether in Hackney, inner-city Newcastle or middle England.

In short, it suggests that the Government are, for all the window dressing, out of touch and unwilling to move with the times.”

A full text of the speech can be viewed here http://www.dianeabbott.org.uk/news/speeches/news.aspx?p=102627

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