Diane slams Cameron's 'Big Society' as gimmick aimed at the middle classes

19 Jul 2010

Diane has slammed David Cameron’s plans for a ‘Big Society’ saying it panders to the middle classes and will exclude the very communities who will suffer as a result of the latest Coalition cuts.

Diane believes the Prime Minister’s plans to devolve power to communities, has fatal flaws and suggests the Lib-Cons have already run out of ideas.

Diane said:

“This Big Society idea of David Cameron’s is nothing but a gimmick. The Lib-Cons are attempting to come across as cuddly and friendly just weeks after making some of the most savage cuts we’ve seen in years.

The plan has a fatal flaw. The majority of those who will take part in his ‘Big Society’ idea are the vocal middle classes who are already politically engaged and have their voices heard.

It will make no difference to the ordinary man and woman on the street, who just wants to see money spent on schools, hospitals and jobs.

What will make a difference to them is the cuts in public services, the freeze in public sector pay and the rise in VAT to 20% that the Lib-Cons are forcing on them.

This is lip-service of the worst kind. The Lib-Cons are promising change they can not deliver and it smacks of a government that has run out of ideas just months into office.”

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