Diane calls for continued aid for Haiti
Diane has called for the government to continue its aid efforts in Haiti.
Her request comes this week which marked six months since the earthquake.
More than 1.5 million people are still living in temporary camps and could face further disruption once the hurricane season hits.
Diane has tabled an Early Day Motion and requested a meeting with ministers to discuss how further help can be given.
Diane said:
“I believe we need to continue our efforts in Haiti. Many homes and schools still remain as nothing more than rubble and millions of people are living in tents in temporary camps.
The UN and various aid agencies have done much to help already and I want to make sure we don’t stop our aid too soon.
The hurricane season could bring further problems and we need to be prepared to offer further aid, not reduce our efforts.” That this house recognises that six months have passed since the earthquake in Haiti; acknowledges that much good work by the UN and various aid agencies has been carried out; but further notes that the island is still in the midst of a humanitarian crisis; that more than 1,300 temporary camps remain, housing 1.5 million people; worries that conditions may worsen with the coming hurricane season; and calls on the new Coalition government to continue in the UK’s commitment to provide aid to help the nation to regroup, reorganise and rebuild.
Haiti: Six months on
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