Diane Calls on Boris to Honour Pledge on Rape Crisis Centres
15 Dec 2009
Diane Abbott MP today issued a call for the London Mayor to set up rape crisis centres in various London boroughs, including Hackney, in light of the recent spate of gang rapes. According to figures released in November by the Metropolitan Police Authority, incidences of gang rape have risen to almost 100 in the last financial year. 64% of victims were under the age of 19 and a ‘very significant’ number were under the age of 15. The number of multiple offences is also increasing and Hackney is amongst the boroughs with the highest number of reported cases in London.
London Mayor Boris Johnson promised in his 2008 manifesto to devote £2.23m over the course of three years to maintain London’s only rape crisis centre in Croydon as well as fund the creation of four more. However this figure was revised a year later to £1.4m over three years, just over half of the original amount.
Speaking on this issue earlier today, Diane commented:
“With incidences of gang rape in my constituency rising to appalling levels, I feel that Boris Johnson has a duty to honour his manifesto pledge and begin the development of these rape crisis centres. Not one new centre has yet been established in London, whilst to this date the Croydon centre still hasn’t even received any funding.”
“Gang rape is increasingly being carried out by criminal gangs and is linked to various other forms of crime. There is an urgent need for support, education and action on this issue. I believe that the establishment of rape crisis centres in London boroughs such as Hackney, where this is a real issue, will be crucial in helping to achieve these goals.”
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