Help for Victims of DNA Database

01 Sep 2009

The human rights charity Liberty and Hackney North and Stoke Newington MP Diane Abbott will join forces on the 25th September to give free advice to young people whose DNA has been retained unfairly on the DNA database.

That national DNA database currently holds 4.5million profiles, including 300,000 children and about 850,000 innocent people who have never been charged or cautioned. 77% of Black men from 18 – 35 and one in four Black children over the age of ten have their DNA on the database.

Speaking today Diane Abbott said:

“I am pleased to be working with Liberty to offer young people the chance to come along and receive advice from those with the know-how. It is wrong for innocent people’s DNA to be kept on this database and with Liberty I will do the best I can to help put a stop to this abuse of civil liberties. Anyone in Hackney who is concerned that their DNA is being unfairly held should give us a call and arrange a visit on the 25th. We look forward to seeing you there.”

Anna Fairclough, Legal Officer for Liberty said:

“I’ll be there with other Liberty lawyers on the 25th September to advise young people in Hackney how to get their DNA removed from the database.   More than 300 young people per day are added to the DNA database, and the government’s new proposals will do nothing to change that.  It is not only the famous and powerful who refuse to accept it.”


  • The first DNA database clinic will take place on Friday 25th September from 4.30pm – 6pm in Hackney. To book an appointment please call: 020 7378 3668 or 020 7378 3657 or email
  • Members of the press can contact Caitlin Farrow in Diane Abbott MP’s office (, 020 7219 4426) or Mairi Clare Rodgers at Liberty (, 020 7378 3656 or 079738 31128) for information.


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