Diane supports campaign for political engagement
Local Works, a national coalition of over 100 organisations including 11 other large national organisations today joined together to congratulate Diane for backing a new Bill to engage people in politics and also backing a call to increase transparency on how public money is spent in our communities.
Diane signed Early Day Motions supporting the Sustainable Communities Bill and in support of local spending reports. Both measures would help local communities to have more say over what happens to their pubs, shops and businesses through better communication with empowered councils.
Speaking today Diane said:
“There are many instances where I feel local people need to be more involved in the decision-making process. I strongly support giving local people a chance to communicate their ideas to the Council and to Government.”
For more information please call Caitlin Farrow on
020 7219 4426 or email farrowc@parliament.uk
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