Push for Olympics Regeneration

21 Apr 2009

London MP Diane Abbott yesterday pressed Olympics Minister Tessa Jowell for figures on how much Olympics cash will go on regeneration.

Concerned that local people in the Olympics Boroughs will not reap the benefit of the multi-billion pound budget Diane has spent months urging Olympics chiefs to provide jobs, training, housing and facilities are ring-fenced for Hackney locals.

Speaking today the Hackney North and Stoke Newington MP said:

“I have demanded more jobs for Hackney people, and more training to make sure Hackney people are ready for the jobs that need doing on the Olympic Park. But meanwhile I want to know that we will be able to see the benefits of physical regeneration to the area. It is vital that once the razzamatazz of the Games is over my constituents are able to look back and see the positive effect the Olympics had on their lives.” 


Diane Abbott’s oral question and Olympics Minister Tessa Jowell’s response: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200809/cmhansrd/cm090420/debtext/90420-0003.htm#0904203000445

For more information please call Caitlin Farrow on

020 7219 4426 or email farrowc@parliament.uk  

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