International Women's Month

11 Mar 2009

During International Women’s Month Hackney North and Stoke Newington MP Diane Abbott is highlighting key issues for women’s rights.

Joining with other MPs celebrating International Women’s Month, Diane is calling for greater political representation of women, legislation to ensure equal pay and more funding for services that help women experiencing violence.

Speaking today Diane said:

“International Women’s Day has existed for over a hundred years to raise awareness of women’s position in society. Most recently I think it has served the purpose of reminding us of the struggle that women throughout history undertook so that we could have a more level playing ground; and showing us where struggles are still taking place.
 It’s vital to remember that although progress has been made, there is still a long way to go. There are still not enough women in Parliament and other positions of power; on average women earn less than their male counterparts; we still do not have enough funding for support services for women experiencing violence and rape conviction rates remain ridiculously low. International Women’s Month is a great chance to raise awareness of these issues and to put pressure on the government to make the legislative changes we need.”


For more information please call Caitlin Farrow on

020 7219 4426 or email  

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