Tackling Rising Unemployment
Diane Abbott has responded to reports of more UK job losses today. The London MP expressed concerns that her constituency has a lack of available jobs and a very high level of unemployment – despite the fact it is one of the Olympic host boroughs.
“It is devastating to hear of more and more job losses as the country enters a recession. I am particularly concerned at the high levels of unemployment in my constituency and how things like the terrible Woolworths closures will affect my constituents. I’m pleased that the Government has brought in schemes to help tax-paying families. Bringing forward big infrastructure projects should help the construction industry and create more jobs in that area. And I will be pushing hard for my constituents to see these and similar jobs on the Olympic park.
It’s very worrying that early predictions suggest young people will be disproportionately affected by job losses. We need to ensure that young people are given all the support they need whilst looking for jobs and that comprehensive training is available to help them fill the roles we need.”
For more information please call Caitlin Farrow on
020 7219 4426 or email farrowc@parliament.uk
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