42 Days Vote a "Hollow Victory"

12 Jun 2008

Labour back bencher Diane Abbott MP has stated that, despite narrowly winning the vote on 42 days, Gordon Brown has not won the argument and not seen the end of the fight.

She said today:

"The result of yesterday’s vote can only be described as hollow victory for the government. Mr Brown may have won the vote in the Commons but he did so through pressure and pork barrelling, not through argument. In the days leading up to the vote, MPs were pressured not to abandon their leader and offered various incentives for voting with the government." 

Although some Labour rebels changed their mind, the government would not have won without the support of the Democratic Ulster Unionists. Despite their position being unconfirmed the day before; all nine DUP members voted in favour of the bill, securing a majority for the government. Just hours before the vote they had been in meetings with Mr Brown, which resulted in various commitments from the Prime Minister including a possible extra £1.2billion for Northern Ireland.

"Such tactics" argued Ms Abbott, "prove that whilst the government may have won the vote; they have not won the argument." 






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