Israeli Attacks in Gaza

02 Jan 2009

Hackney North and Stoke Newington MP Diane Abbott today called for an immediate end to the Israeli attacks in Gaza and the Hamas rockets targeting southern Israel.

As the Palestinian death toll reached over 400 and the Israeli government posted military reserves at the Gaza border, the MP has signed a letter to Foreign Secretary David Miliband asking him to condemn the Israeli military action.

Speaking today Diane said:

“Whilst I cannot condone the violence perpetrated by Hamas, the response by Israeli forces which indiscriminately affects all those living in Gaza is wrong. I am shocked and angry to learn that over 400 Palestinians have now been killed in only a week of attacks on Gaza. However targeted the Israeli attacks claim to be, civilians are always vulnerable and should not have their lives put at risk because of an Israeli retaliation to Hamas.

I am also concerned at the timing of the attacks by Israeli forces because it seems they have been planned to take place during the Christmas holiday period. It appears to be a cynical attempt by the Israeli government to strike at a time when the international community and the Security Council would be caught on the hop.

I am pleased that ministers have publicly called for a ceasefire and that we are able to provide immediate humanitarian aid to Gaza. But in the long term the UK Government needs to condemn in no uncertain terms the use of such disproportionate military force and press for a swift and lasting two-state solution.”

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