Stop the Erosion of Civil Liberties
MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington Diane Abbott spoke out last week on Radio 4 against Home Office proposals to give police “stop and question” powers.
The powers would see police officers able to stop anyone and ask about their identity and movements. Currently, officers have the right to stop and search people suspected of terrorist activities but they may not question them.
Criticising the proposals Diane said:
“I think the proposals to introduce stop and search powers under anti-terrorism law are entirely unfounded and draconian. 20 years ago I protested against the “sus” laws that saw thousands of young Black men criminalised on the grounds of their colour. The results of those laws were catastrophic. Black men became disaffected and alienated and their relationship with the Police is still recovering. The stop and search powers will undoubtedly have the same effect on young Asian and Black men, as well as damaging the already fragile position of these men in society.”
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