Diane Slams Discriminatory New Laws
MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington Diane Abbott has launched a campaign against proposed reforms to the legal aid system that will see hundreds of black and ethnic minority firms out of business. Last week Diane called for a full debate in the House of Commons on the matter arguing:
“The whole House applauds the Government’s wish to get value for money in legal aid spending, but it is becoming increasingly clear that among other flaws the legal aid reform will decimate black and minority ethnic solicitors who are more likely to be in new or small firms, or more likely to be dependent on legal aid work. Will my right hon. Friend make time for a debate on the Floor of the House on the excellent report of the Select Committee on Constitutional Affairs on legal aid reform, which particularly emphasises its worrying effects on black and Asian solicitors?”
Diane now plans to hold meetings with the Minister for legal aid and representatives from the legal world with the aim of pushing for changes to the reforms. The meetings will see members of the Black Solicitors’ Network, the Society of Asian Lawyers, and the Law Society joining together to fight the reforms.
An Early Day Motion put forward by Diane calling on Ministers to rethink their proposals has received a huge support from MPs. Explaining the importance of the campaign Diane said:
“Many black and ethnic minority legal firms were set up as a reaction to the institutional racism that prevented ethnic minority lawyers from progressing in their careers. These firms are now hugely successful in representing ethnic minority communities and giving culturally sensitive advice and help to vulnerable members of society. Their work is therefore vital in providing access to justice and it is a travesty that this is now threatened.”
Editor’s notes:
For details on the legal aid EDM visit http://edmi.parliament.uk/EDMi/EDMDetails.aspx?EDMID=33077&SESSION=885
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