Refugee Week 2007: Recognising the People behind the Numbers

22 Jun 2007

MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington Diane Abbott gave her support this week to the national Refugee Week 2007.

Refugee Week aims to draw attention to the contribution refugee communities bring to the UK, and to encourage communication between communities. Hundreds of events take place across the country celebrating different cultures and giving people the opportunity to meet with people who have sought sanctuary in the UK.

The initiative was set up in 1998 in order to counteract the negative images of refugee communities that were being presented in the press. The week of events dispels myths and encourages an understanding of the people behind the numbers.

Diane is among the over 100 MPs who have signed an Early Day Motion celebrating the World Refugee Day on the 20th June. She said:

“Recognising the contribution made by refugees to UK society, economy and culture is an essential part of understanding what Britain is about. There is a long history in this country of offering sanctuary to those in need and this is something that makes me very proud to be British. Unfortunately refugees and asylum seekers have been scape-goated because of ignorance and misunderstanding. Refugee Week and World Refugee Day are great chances to challenge these misconceptions. Once people have met and spoken with refugees, and heard their stories, it becomes much more easy to understand why the right to asylum is a fundamental human right that must be protected.”


Editor’s notes:


1.                 For more information visit:

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