Getting Tough on Firearms Possession

13 Jun 2007

MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington welcomed the news today that tougher sentencing for firearms possession under Labour has successfully convicted more offenders and given them longer sentences since the 2003 Criminal Justice Act was implemented.

Diane has campaigned tirelessly for tougher sentencing on firearms possession as part of her fight against gun crime. Her campaign against the use of imitation firearms was also recognised when laws were introduced to criminalise the manufacture and sale of imitation guns.

Speaking about the news Diane said:

“Having spoken out about the need for tougher sentencing in order to put people off using guns or becoming involved in gun culture, the Government has finally listened and upped the ante against firearms offences.

Those who use or carry guns should be under no illusion that they risk a long spell behind bars for their crime. I am very pleased to see that the Courts now treat the possession of firearms with the gravity it deserves.”

The proportion of offenders getting an immediate prison sentence for carrying a firearm is four times what it was in 1995. Average prison sentences for possessing a firearm are almost four times what they were in 1995 and sixteen times as many offenders are being sentenced to 5 years or more in prison than under the Conservative government.


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