Crisis for Young Black Men
MP Diane Abbott today welcomed the publication of a shocking Home Affairs Select Committee report into the over-representation of young Black men in the criminal justice system.
The report found that Black people of all ages are three times more likely to be arrested than white people; and six times more likely to be stopped and searched. Additionally, three-quarters of the young Black population will soon be on the DNA database. However, there is no evidence that young Black men are actually more likely to commit crimes. This suggests racism within the criminal justice system is still common.
Other worrying findings in the report include the fact that young black men are more likely to be imprisoned and receive more punitive sentences.
Commenting on the report, Diane Abbott said:
“This report makes a very important contribution to the debate on black people in the criminal justice system in this country. In many ways the report confirms what a lot of people have been saying for a long time: that young black men are disproportionately involved in arrests, prison sentences, and stop and searches despite not being any more likely to be involved in crime. The report is right in highlighting various factors in this overrepresentation, including racism within the justice system. I think it’s appalling that this situation has been allowed to continue for so long, this is 2007, not 1967!
It’s now time for strong action to tackle this problem. Many factors need addressing. We need to improve educational and employment opportunities for young black people, we need to improve political engagement and representation in politics and the Police, and we need to stamp out institutional racism throughout the criminal justice system.”
Editor’s notes:
1. Home Affairs Committee report is available at:
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