‘Don’t be mean Keep Zarine’

06 Dec 2007

The MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington today launched a campaign in Parliament to allow disabled teenager Zarine Rentia to stay in Britain and not be deported to India.

The wheelchair bound 15 year old suffers from a rare genetic disease which causes brittle bones, permanent liver and kidney damage and has stunted her growth. She is currently being treated at Great Ormond Street Hospital. Despite her crippling disease Zarine is a member of the school council, the table tennis club and a star pupil at South Camden Community School.

Diane Abbott MP said today “This is a truly exceptional case. This young girl’s condition was only diagnosed when she came here on a visit. No doctor in India was able to identify what this disease was. I am very concerned that if Zarine is detained in an Immigration Detention Centre she will not be able to get the treatment she needs. And, if the Home Office go ahead and deport her, not only will she not be able to get any treatment but she will most probably won’t even be able to go to school. I know that the public want firm immigration controls, but I believe the Home Office should show compassion in this case. I have put down an Early Day Motion in support of Zarine and I hope that even at this late stage Home Office Ministers will change their minds”.

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