Jules Pipe is Re-Elected Hackney Mayor
Local election results today confirmed an unequivocal victory for Labour in Hackney. Labour retained firm control of the council and Labour Mayor Jules Pipe was confidently re-elected.
Diane Abbott, MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington, today welcomed the re-election of a Labour-led council and Mayor Jules Pipe saying “it just goes to show that despite the national political wrangling over the last couple of weeks Hackney people know that only Labour is right for them”.
Diane said: “This is a brilliant result for Hackney and goes against the national trend. Labour’s victory was rubber-stamped by a high turnout and reflects the energetic campaigning and commitment by volunteers, party activists and our excellent candidates.” Diane went on: “Jules has worked very hard over the last 4 years to deliver for Hackney residents and he has an impressive track record. Labour in Hackney has increased recycling levels, streets and estates are cleaner, there is more police on the streets and crime is down.” Diane added: “There is of course always more to do and I am very pleased that Hackney will remain Labour so that we will have the opportunity to build on these achievements.”
Diane Went on: “I was very sorry to see Labour councillors elsewhere lose out as the unfortunate victims of recent political events. I do not think that the local elections should be seen as a referendum on anything but Labour’s ability to deliver in your local area. Today’s results clearly show that despite the national political wrangling over the last couple of weeks Hackney people know that only Labour is right for them.”
Diane added: “I was shocked and appalled at the BNP’s gains in Barking and Dagenham. It illustrates the very real danger of giving the BNP credibility and publicity.”
Diane continued: “Here in Hackney by contrast our new Labour council reflects the diversity of our local community with more ethnic minority and women councillors. Of Labour’s 58 candidates 27 were from ethnic minorities and 22 were women. I am delighted that Labour has continued its tradition of valuing and promoting diversity and making use of the full range of the experiences of our local people. This is one of the reasons why Labour in Hackney has been so successful over the last 4 years.”
Diane concluded: “Labour has a fantastic record of achievement here in Hackney. We can now build on this platform and continue to improve public services. I believe Labour is the only party that will continue the good work done to help the most vulnerable sections of the community. Jules Pipe has already made clear his ambitions for the next 4 years: ‘Cleaner Streets, Decent Homes, More Police, Improved Schools - a Better Hackney’, and I am delighted that the people of Hackney have put their trust in Labour to help the Mayor deliver this vision.”
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