Diane Meets Venezuelan President
Earlier in the day Mr Chávez described the Iraq war as the “Vietnam of the 21st century” and called on the west to “respect the will of the people of Iran.”
At the House of Commons, where he addressed Labour MPs, he criticised US foreign policy telling his audience that: “the world is under threat from capitalism because it is spreading like an empire. Washington is trying to impose its consensus on the world. This model is unsustainable and is threatening the planet.”
Diane said: “Hugo Chávez is one of our time’s most articulate and passionate defenders of socialism and is very brave in standing up to America. However, he is not just talk. As Venezuela’s President Mr Chávez has introduced an impressive raft of social reforms, including a drive to eradicate illiteracy and the improvement of healthcare for the poor. That is why he is such a well respected man within socialist circles and we were delighted to get the opportunity to hear him expose his vision of socialism.”
Diane added: “Latin America is an increasingly important economic region and our future here in the UK does depend on establishing strong links with the world’s emerging economies, particular.” She added: “ironically Bush’s war in Iraq has driven up oil prices which has benefited the Venezuelan economy significantly. As Mr Chávez has warned in the past any attack on Iran would drive up oil prices further.”
Mr Chávez took questions from the audience, including one from Labour veteran Tony Benn. The President repeatedly called on “friends of the socialist cause” to unite. He said: “it is time for action, there is no time to be wasted in building an alternative pathway. The era of US capitalism must come to an end.”
Diane added: “Chávez is a powerful and inspirational speaker and it has been a privilege to meet this remarkable man. He is a authoritative exponent of democracy and social progress, not only in Venezuela, but in Latin America as a whole and has won 10 democratic elections in 8 years – an unprecedented record of electoral success in any country.” She added: “Mr Chávez is so popular because he has made effective health care and education available to the poor”.
Notes to Editors:
1. The US who has previously branded Chávez a ‘modern day Hitler’ last night slapped a full arms ban on Venezuela, claiming Chávez had failed to cooperate in the fight against terrorism. Chávez maintains that the US has accused him of terrorism because it was unhappy with his government's success.
2. The 10 elections in Venezuela won by Hugo Chávez and his supporters in Venezuela in the last 8 years. The opposition has won no national elections in this period:
1. December 1998 - Hugo Chávez elected president with 56.2 per cent of the vote.
2. April 1999 - National referendum on whether to convene a constituent assembly to draw up a new constitution.
3. July 1999 - Election of a constituent assembly to draft a new constitution, Chávez supporters won 95 per cent of the seats.
4. December 1999 - Referendum on whether to adopt the new constitution, won by Chávez supporters with 71.9 per cent of the vote.
5. July 2000 - Presidential election under the new constitution, won by Hugo Chávez with an increased majority of 59.76% of the vote.
6. July 2000 - Election of the national assembly, Chávez supporters won a big majority of the seats
7. December 2000 – municipal elections
8. August 2004 - A national referendum called by the opposition on whether or not to remove Chávez from power, won by President Chávez with 59.3 per cent of the vote.
9. October 2005 - Local and regional elections throughout the country, Chávez supporters won the elections in 80 per cent of the local authorities and 20 out of 22 provincial governments.
10. December 2005 - National Assembly elections.
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