Britain’s first black woman MP visits Nigeria
Diane, who visited Nigeria in November last year said: “I am really looking forward to meeting old friends and having meetings with Nigerian parliamentarians as well as civil society organisations. I found my last visit both educational and inspirational and I am so pleased to be here again.”
Diane added: “This second visit will give me the opportunity to meet the full cross section of Nigerian Parliamentarians, politicians and trade unionists. Exchanges of this kind are invaluable in terms of inter-parliamentary affairs and for discussing co-operation on issues such as development assistance and trade.”
Diane, a London MP, added: “Nigeria has a very special place in my heart and I have so many friends there. My constituency in Hackney, East London, has the largest Nigerian population of anywhere in the UK. I am happy to be able to share with them the experiences I have gained on my visits to Nigeria and I have lots of well wishes from friends back home to pass on.”
Diane explained: “Last time I visited I came as a guest of Finance Minister Dr. Angozi Okonjo-Iweala and attended several events where I met very successful as well as aspiring Nigerian business women. I take a particular interest in women’s issues and was very impressed with the young entrepreneurs and determined women I met everywhere. I run a networking organisation in the UK for aspiring black business women and my interaction with Nigerian business women offered me a lot of insight into business life abroad. My experiences here will be very valuable to business women in the UK.”
Diane concluded: “Nigeria is such an interesting place and so culturally rich. I am very impressed with the progress Nigeria is making in the areas of governance and not least in fighting corruption. I am sure I will return to the UK feeling once again inspired.”
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