Fairness for Families
Diane said: “I was very pleased that the Chancellor chose to put the young, elderly and low income families at the centre of his budget. He acknowledged that it is extremely difficult to raise a family and he increased the child tax credit to help parents. He also emphasised education in his Budget and announced £585 million more to be paid direct to schools to be spent on what they think is best for their pupils. For the typical primary school, payments will rise from £31,000 this year to £40,000 and for secondary schools from £98,000 this year to £185,000. Both pledges will be very welcome here in Hackney.”
Diane went on: “The Chancellors got his priorities right. Whilst the Government has a good record on reducing child poverty too many children, including many Hackney children, are still living in poverty. Increasing tax credits for families is a first step towards tackling deprivation. Apart from making more cash available to our most vulnerable families we must also work harder to identify and alleviate the causes of poverty in order to tackle them more effectively. The Chancellor acknowledged this and promised to do more to help single parents find sustainable employment. He also pledged that for the first time further education would be free of charge up to the age of 25, with adult learning grants. This could make all the difference to so many people in Hackney.”
Diane added: “The eradication of child poverty is so important because poverty tends to be perpetuated throughout people’s lives and handed down generation after generation. It is crucial to ensure that our children will be equipped to take advantage of the many opportunities that are on offer. This budget will increase investment in our local schools and will help equip our children for their future.”
Diane added: "The Chancellor’s heart was in the right place when it came to pensioners too. The government has worked hard to alleviate pensioner poverty and has made real progress. This Budget continues Labour’s programme to create a fairer society and deliver dignity in old age.”
Diane continued: “The Olympics is one of the most exciting things to happen here in Hackney. I think it will encourage our children to take up sports and to get actively involved in the local community. We have to make sure that we make the most of the funding now being made available to aspiring athletes. I hope that Hackney children will soon be signing up to the Annual Schools Olympics announced by the Chancellor.”
Diane concluded: “What was clear from today’s Budget is that Labour is continuing to build on our platform of economic stability while still investing in the education of our children and in our public services. I believe Labour is the only party that will continue the good work done to help the most vulnerable sections of the community. Labour is the only party which is serious about ensuring that all our children will get a fair chance in life and that we will all live dignified lives in retirement.”
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