Save St Bart's
Just weeks before private finance initiative (PFI) rebuilding contracts were due to be signed the health secretary, Patricia Hewitt, has ordered a review of the project amid fears that the rebuilt hospital would not be able to service its debts.
Diane said: “Only eight years ago Londoners won a struggle to save Bart’s. I am very saddened to once again be contemplating another threat to this important institution.” Diane went on: “I fully support the doctors and consultants who have come out to protest at this decision. Bart’s provides some of the best clinical results for cancer as well as cardiac treatment. Denying one of the most vulnerable sections of the population access to this would be damaging to public health.” Diane added: “Making these services unavailable would force people to travel outside their local community to receive treatment.”
Diane continued: “The Minister told me that the questions raised at the last minute relate to affordability. The funding for Bart’s was agreed just 4 years ago. However, to decide on a review at the 11th hour is ludicrous. Money has already been spent. What’s more, if the scheme is not approved by the end of this month the compensation costs to contractors will be a whopping £100m. Clearly, the worst financial outcome would be to abandon Bart’s at this stage.”
Diane added: “The East End is one of the poorest areas in the country and has among the highest rates of cardiac diseases. There are no fewer people now than there were a few years ago when plans were approved. It makes no financial sense, no healthcare sense and no political sense to sacrifice Bartholomew’s.”
The debate also touched on the importance of Bart’s in the event of another terrorist atrocity in London. Diane concluded: “Bart’s has a particular place in the heart of East Enders but provides an invaluable service to all Londoners. We saw this on 7th July and I fear that if we don’t save Bart’s now we could come to regret it in the future.”
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