Incitement to Hatred
The controversial cartoons were first published in a Danish newspaper in September 2005 in response to concerns about self-censorship in the press. The cartoons, which were since reprinted in Norway and other European countries, included an image portraying Muhammad with a bomb in his turban. Anti-Danish protests have been repeated across the Muslim world, and have led to at least five deaths in Afghanistan and one in Somalia. In London protestors held up placards which incited murder of those who insult Islam.
Diane said: "If parts of our Muslim community had sought to demonstrate peacefully against the war in Iraq or other excesses of the so-called 'war on terror' I would have supported them. There could have been no doubt that such a demonstration would have been lawful and a legitimate contribution to public debate." Diane went on: "However, to stage a demonstration that is a clear incitement to violence in an attempt to impose censorship on others is quite a different matter. Difficult as it may be, the test of a society's commitment to freedom of speech, which I think is particularly important in a multi-cultural society, is not just our willingness to defend those who say things with which we agree with, but our willingness to defend those who say things with which we profoundly disagree."
Diane added: "The cartoons may have been insensitive, even offensive, but are a commentary on current affairs. In a secular society we cannot allow religious censorship of public information and those who use their right to free speech should be protected from those who incite violence or murder. The majority of the Muslim community has of course engaged in a sensible dialogue with publishers and let their thoughts on the subject be heard in a peaceful manner." Diane concluded: "To choose violence, or the threat thereof, as a tool of debate or a means of negotiation undermines the cause whatever it may be."
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