London Schools and the Black Child Annual Awards

18 Aug 2006

On Friday 8th September 2006 Diane Abbott, MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington, will host the London Schools and the Black Child Annual Awards 2006 at the House of Commons.


Diane Abbott will host this prize giving for high achieving African and African-Caribbean heritage children in anticipation of her fourth London Schools and the Black Child conference. The LSBC conference aims to tackle the problem of educational under-achievement of black pupils and seeks to devise strategies for raising the educational attainment levels of black boys in particular. The Annual Awards 2006 will serve as a curtain raiser for this year’s conference and will focus on black boys and girls who have performed outstandingly in education. It will be a celebration of their achievements as well as of those who help and inspire them to achieve.


I think it is important not to only focus on failure but also to showcase success and to recognise the achievements of the children who do perform to their full potential. I am certain we’ll have some amazing winners this year and I hope the night will be inspirational, not just for the kids but for parents, teachers and politicians alike.


Speakers from the world of business, the media and education, including London Schools Minister Lord Adonis, are lined up for the evening but we are still looking for the real stars of the show. Diane Abbott MP, founder of London Schools and the Black Child, is currently inviting nominations for the academic achievement categories:

  • Outstanding performance at GCSE level - one boy, one girl
  • Outstanding achievement at A-Level - one boy, one girl
  • Outstanding achievement at University (BA/BSc/MA/MSc at First/Distinction) - one boy, one girl
  • Teacher of the year
  • Supplementary school of the year

Selectors are primarily interested in those African and African-Caribbean heritage children who have achieved outstanding results in their GCSE, A Level or degree exams. Whilst the selectors are mainly concerned with educational performance consideration will be given to non-academic or extra-curricular achievement, for example in the area of leadership.

We would also like to encourage pupils, parents, head teachers etc. to nominate teachers and lecturers whom have shown outstanding dedication to improving the educational attainment of African and African-Caribbean heritage children. As an indication, nominees will have exceptional performance in their subject, outstanding feedback from students or have achieved over and above that normally expected of them.

We will also celebrate supplementary schools that focus on furthering the educational achievement of African and African-Caribbean heritage children by offering invaluable educational support.

If you wish to nominate a pupil, teacher or supplementary school for please write to LSBC Annual Awards, c/o Diane Abbott MP, House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA outlining the academic achievements of the nominee as well information about why they deserve to win.

The event is organised by Diane Abbott MP with generous support from UBS Investment Bank and the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE). Winners along with family, friends and teachers will be invited to the House of Commons where they will be presented with trophies and very generous prizes courtesy of UBS Investment Bank.


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