Local MPs meet Gordon Brown

05 Apr 2006

Diane said: “the Chancellor chose to focus on the young, elderly and low income families in this year’s budget. He acknowledged that it is extremely difficult to raise a family and he increased the child tax credit to help parents. He also emphasised education in his Budget and announced that £millions more to be paid direct to schools to be spent on what they think is best for their pupils. Hackney schools will really feel the difference with a typical primary school receiving nearly £10,000 more this year and for Hackney secondary schools the figure nearly doubles to £185,000. This is fantastic news for our children.”

Meg said: “More money for schools is a welcome step. With 22.1 per cent of Hackney’s population under 16 it is important that we invest in this generation’”

Diane went on: “The Chancellors got his priorities right. Whilst the Government has a good record on reducing child poverty too many children, including many Hackney children, are still living in poverty. Increasing tax credits for families is a first step towards tackling deprivation. Apart from making more cash available to our most vulnerable families we must also work harder to identify and alleviate the causes of poverty in order to tackle them more effectively. The Chancellor acknowledged this and promised to do more to help single parents find sustainable employment. He also pledged that for the first time further education would be free of charge up to the age of 25, with adult learning grants. This could make all the difference to so many people in Hackney.”

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