Tour of Hackney Schools

21 Sep 2005

Diane said: “Over the parliamentary recess I usually visit 8-10 schools a week in order to get a comprehensive overview of our local schools. I want to be reassured that our children are doing as well as they possibly can and that our schools are doing their part to help them. “

Diane added: “I particularly enjoy visiting our schools as they are an absolutely central part of our local community. This is why I have invited myself to come along to the majority of the primary and secondary schools in Hackney North and Stoke Newington. I want to meet with Head Teachers, classroom assistants and pupils to hear from them what challenges they are facing and what can be done to help them to continue raising their performance levels.”

Diane went on: “I have been very impressed with the achievements of our local Head Teachers. Chris Cole at St. Matthias Primary School has been very enterprising in raising funds for an impressive new extension to the school, and pupils from Year 6 at Shacklewell Primary School have benefited from a £5,000 charitable donation from a private company. The money was spent on taking these city children to a farm in Wales where they were introduced to challenges that they wouldn’t normally face.”

Diane added: “Everywhere I go I meet committed Heads and teachers and I see the dedication that goes into challenging our children. I have been to some of Hackney’s best, as well as worst, performing schools and I want to make sure that they all learn from each other’s experiences.”

Diane concluded: “It is always a pleasure to meet Hackney’s children—especially those at Primary School. They are so uninhibited and ambitious at that age. I will continue to work hard to ensure they receive the best possible schooling.”


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