Hackney Girls to Tackle Engineering

26 Jul 2005

Diane Abbott said: “I was very impressed with the Skinner’s Company School’s Enterprise Day as I think it planted the seeds necessary for encouraging young women to choose non-stereotypical careers. It is very important that young girls are aware of all the opportunities available to them and that they do not limit themselves in choosing their future careers.” 

Ms Abbott added: “Enterprise Day successfully exposed the girls to a variety of ‘less obvious’ opportunities available to them in the workplace.  Each of the presentations and exhibits provided useful insights into various jobs where a female presence is currently lacking. By learning about technical and engineering careers young girls will be much more likely to consider these career paths.”

Abbott concluded: “London life is characterised by diversity and this should be reflected in our schools, communities as well as the workforce. I am pleased that Hackney schools are doing so much to encourage our children to be ambitious in pursuing their dreams and to reassure them that there are no limits to their achievements.”

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