Hackney Passover Celebrations

17 Apr 2005

On Thursday Diane Abbott, Labour candidate for Hackney North and Stoke Newington, visited Simon Marks Jewish Primary School on Cazenove Road in Stoke Newington to participate in their Passover celebrations.

After participating in the celebrations Diane said: "Simon Marks is one of our best primary schools. They have successfully built a genuine multi-cultural community school honouring their heritage but working closely with all cultures and faiths. Attending the Passover celebrations was one of the highlights of my week."

Situated right across the street from Simon Marks School is North London’s great Masjid-e-Quba. Diane Abbott explained: “Cazenove Road is such an amazing place and a true microcosm of the diversity enjoyed here in Hackney - it is also very educational for the kids."

Head teacher Mr Laurie Rosenberg, who took over the school three years ago, added: “I have tried to create a community where teachers and parents work closely together to create an inspiring environment for learning. The Passover ceremony is all about creating memories by engaging the children and their parents in community building rituals."

Mr Rosenberg added: “The feeling I am trying to instil is that we are not merely a school of faith but that we are a school with faith - above all faith in the kids."


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