Diane Abbott is Re-Elected

06 May 2005

Diane Abbott said: “I am very pleased with the result and would like to thank the people of Hackney North and Stoke Newington for all their support. I recognise this great privilege and will work hard to fulfil my constituents’ expectations.”

Abbott, whose vote share was cut from 61% in 2001 to 48.6% today, added: “I was one of the 139 Labour MPs that voted against the war and have made it clear that I thought it was illegal and that the billions of pounds spent could have been better invested at home. Nonetheless, I was not immune to the backlash over Iraq. People are still very angry, and rightly so. But I am very grateful to the people of Hackney and Stoke Newington for asking me to continue to represent them in Parliament.”

Abbott added: “Labour has so much to be proud of in Hackney but there is still lots to be done. I will continue to campaign and speak out in Parliament on issues that matter to the people of Hackney such as public transport, gun crime and bettering local schools”.


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