Your Voice in Parliament - News this Week
09 Dec 2015
Labour Urges Climate Policy RethinkThis week the United Nations Climate Change Talks, also known as COP21, are taking place in Paris.
Speaking in Paris, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said “Just this week, Britain has seen furious flooding in Cumbria, Cockermouth, Keswick, and Carlisle in particular - in line with scientists’ projections," adding that, "Last year, the Prime Minister of Britain promised that ‘money is no object’ in dealing with flooding, itself a consequence of the destruction of our environment... but this has proved to be yet another false promise. In the last Parliament, the Government slashed spending on flood defences before the 2014 winter floods."
Labour wants the UK to be at the heart of a proposed global climate deal, rather than tagging on behind. In my capacity as Shadow International Development Secretary I will be pressing the government to offer more finance to developing countries to help them invest in greener forms of energy and cope with future impacts like rising sea levels, floods and droughts.
* You can watch an interview of Jeremy Corbyn at COP21 here
Westminster Hall Debate: Home Office and the case of the Shrewsbury 2
This week, the government announced that they have carried out a review into the case of the Shrewsbury 24 (read more about the campaign here) and have decided not to release any of the documents relating to the 1972 trials of 24 building workers following the first ever national building workers strike, including the now well known actor Ricky Tomlinson.
On Wednesday, I attended a Westminster Hall debate sponsored by Steve Rotherham MP concerning the lack of transparency regarding the Conservative government on this issue.
Labour argues that the current government should be honest and transparent about these abuses. As part of the debate, Shadow Home Secretary Andy Burnham spoke and pressed the government to release of all the papers relating to the Shrewsbury trails in 1973/4, describing the Shrewsbury 24 as: “The convenient scapegoats of a government campaign to undermine the trade unions; the victims of a politically motivated show trial orchestrated from Downing Street, the Home and Foreign Offices and the security services.”
* You can view this debate on
Labour to Recognise Good Business Practices
In line with Labour’s fairer vision for society, Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell this week explained how Labour will take a different approach to business, investing to build the high tech, high wage economy of the future.
As part of this, Labour will introduce a “Good Business” kitemark scheme, which businesses can sign up to in order demonstrate their commitment to society. This will mean businesses who pay their taxes transparently and properly, and who pay their employees at least the living wage, will get public recognition.
* You can read John McDonnell's speech on the scheme here
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