Education in Greater London

11 Dec 2014
Ms Diane Abbott MP
To ask the Secretary of State for Education, what proportion of children in each London borough continued schooling to (a) A Level and (b) higher education since 2010.

Answered by: Mr David Laws MP on 18th December 2014

Destination Measures show the destinations of young people the year after they left secondary schooling (key stage 4) and the year after the young person took A level or equivalent qualifications (key stage 5). They show the percentage of pupils continuing their education in school, further education or sixth form college, in specialist provision or in a higher education institution.The measures are published at local authority level and are available for destinations of young people in 2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12, published online in 2012/13 will be published in January 2015.

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