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Labour Party
Diane Abbott MP
Hackney North & Stoke Newington
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Showing items 211 to 240 of 736
You Need to Be Rich to Grow Old With Dignity in Britain today
STPs - A Dagger Pointed At The Heart Of The NHS
Cuts in social care are a complete false economy
Jeremy Corbyn’s vision to rebuild and transform Britain can save our NHS and social care
Post-code lottery crisis is deepening in the NHS
NHS: Diversionary tactics won’t throw us off
Jeremy Hunt has got it wrong: junior doctors are not the enemy within
Jeremy Hunt and Nye Bevan both clashed with doctors - but that's all they have in common
Junk Food Infiltrates Rio Olympics
Jeremy Corbyn’s vision for the NHS will rescue it from Tory dismantling
Big Pharma gets public money from the NHS – but doesn't put anything back
A Jeremy-led Labour Party can best take the fight to the Tories, win the next election and give us a pathway out of austerity
Delaying the Fight Against Childhood Obesity Means We Risk Sleepwalking Into a Public Health Crisis
Trident is a colossal, dangerous waste of money
The Tories Are Ripping The Heart Out Of Our NHS
Putting Priti Patel in charge of international development is like putting a fox in charge of chicken safety
North Middlesex A & E under threat of closure
Reinstating the ‘National’ in the NHS
'I fully support the call to reverse this reckless decision to scrap bursaries'
Our understaffed underfunded NHS is the result of government ideology
Why Is the British Government Using Its Aid Budget to Keep People in Poverty?
Labour Will Stand Solidly Behind a 0.7% Aid Budget
Europe must help those fleeing war and poverty
The Government has finally admitted we're at war in Yemen – thanks to our relationship with Saudi Arabia
The Investigatory Powers Bill is the stop-and-search of the digital age
UK political goals from the World Humanitarian Summit
How rich nations including Britain use aid as political leverage over poor nations
Brazil’s coup is an assault on democracy
My Biggest Hope for the World Humanitarian Summit
Moving in the Right Direction to Win in 2020
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