Claudia Aderotimi was the victim of something more universal than 'hip hop culture'

15 Feb 2011
British student Claudia Aderotimi died in America last week, the result of botched plastic surgery intended to give her a bigger bottom

Some commentators say that Claudia was a victim of “hip hop” culture. She was actually a victim of something much more universal.

Sadly we live in an era when too many young women are brainwashed into believing that, artificially pumping up some aspect of their body, is the road to fame and fortune. And they will risk their lives to achieve this.

Jordan is the patron saint of this cult. We can see the victims in any newspaper any day.

Whether it is an over-sized bottom, puffed up “duck” lips or grotesquely big breasts, millions of girls like Claudia fervently believe that, if they can only save up enough to get these things done, the world is their oyster.

Plastic surgeons have a lot to answer for. The pictures we see in our newspapers reveal that, if you can pay, plastic surgeons will do it to you. Even if that means giving you breasts so big, you look as if you are going to topple over.

The proliferation of television “makeover” shows, which make cosmetic surgery look as simple as cutting your toe nails, has made things even worse. Demand for plastic surgery has tripled in recent years.

We need to fight poor body image amongst young girls, regulate unscrupulous plastic surgeons and there should be fewer irresponsible makeover shows. Only then can we say, Claudia did not die in vain.

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