Diane speaks at Health Questions
Ms Diane Abbott (Hackney North and Stoke Newington) (Lab): Does the Minister agree with the representations of the Select Committee on Health, chaired by the hon. Member for Charnwood (Mr Dorrell), when it said that it was "surprised by the change of approach between the Coalition Programme" in May "and the White Paper" in July? The Committee continued: "The White Paper proposes a disruptive reorganisation of the institutional structure of the NHS which was subject to little prior discussion and not foreshadowed in the Coalition Programme." If he cannot convince his hon. Friend the Member for Charnwood, how is he going to convince the rest of us? Text of the full debate can be found here: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201011/cmhansrd/cm110125/debtext/110125-0001.htm#11012544000278
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