Children's Centres Deliver for Hackney: Hackney Gazette

13 Aug 2009
Hackney Gazette
Too many children’s life chances are determined by what happens in their earliest years. Often mothers, who may mean well, lack the facilities or the understanding to give young children all they need. American research has proved that early year’s intervention is the key to educational outcome and socialisation generally. Children’s Centres meet that need. I am proud that under my government we have set up 15 Children’s centres and thousands of children are benefiting. . These Centres provide childcare, advice and support for parents, healthcare and help with getting a job. Over the years I have seen the difference these Centres make to families’ lives in Hackney. They are led by staff and volunteers who are passionate about improving the lives of children in Hackney. They are well-equipped to provide an interesting and stimulating environment for children. Children in council flats in Hackney often do not have a garden or somewhere safe outside to play so that can spend too much time cooped up inside watching television. Children’s Centres in Hackney have lovely open space and playgrounds where children can explore the world and let off steam safely.

So it is understandable that I was concerned when I heard of the planned closure of the nursery at Woodberry Down Children’s Centre. I received a number of emails and letters from local parents who were worried when they heard of plans to close the nursery. Apparently the parents have been told that there is a low uptake of places for children aged between three and five and that there are health and safety issues at the Centre. But I am told that other Children’s Centres in Hackney are running to full capacity. So closing Woodberry Down might mean not enough nursery places for Hackney kids.  

From what I have seen, Woodberry Down is a successful Children’s Centre running in a good position in the Borough. It is the only Children’s Centre that is close to a tube station (Manor Road) and so is in a handy place for parents to drop off their children on their way to work. The centre is in the middle of one of the biggest council estates in London. Hackney has a particularly high proportion of young children. The idea that the Learning Trust cannot find enough children who would benefit from the centre is ridiculous. Whoever is responsible for the outreach should be shifted and a proper outreach program put in place. It would be a tragedy if the nursery were closed so I have written to the Learning Trust to express my concerns and my support for the Woodberry Down parents. I hope that there will be a way to keep the nursery going.

This year the Government opened its 3,000th Children’s Centre. I hope that more and more of the Centres will open up across the country to ensure that all young children are given the best start in life. I think it’s vital that Children’s Centres in Hackney are helped to grow so that they can continue doing the brilliant work they do for Hackney families.



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