What is the role of a Member of Parliament?The role of the MP is three-fold: they represent their constituency in Parliament, they give help and advice directly to constituents, and they play a part in their political party.
In Parliament the MP votes to give support to, or opposition against, laws and amendments to laws. The
MP also contributes to debates where they are able to explore issues more fully.
Constituents can go to their MP for help and advice on issues such as housing, immigration, schools, benefits and pensions and so on. Constituents may also raise policy-related concerns with their MP.
The MP has regular communication with their local political party. They often communicate local issues to the national party.
How can I contact Diane?
The contact page of this website has a full list of contacts.
Can Diane help me even if I do not live in her constituency?
There is a strict parliamentary protocol which dictates that MPs may only represent their constituents on personal matters. However if you have a policy-related concern, Diane may be able to write to you.
How can I invite Diane to an event I am holding?
You can either send an invitation in the post or via email. Please note, written information is required for an invitation to be considered.
How can I find out how Diane has voted?
The website "Public Whip" is a good way of seeing how each MP and Lord/Baroness has voted: www.publicwhip.org.uk
How can I find out more information on London Schools and the Black Child?
The LSBC section of this website has details on the initiative. If you have any other questions you can contact Bell Ribeiro-Addy at bell.ribeiroaddy@parliament.uk. Diane now also has a dedicated education website at: www.blackeducation.info